

As a way of facilitating more effective prayer for our long term vision casting and implementation, this prayer blog is for you. Clearly, our country, our cities, our towns, our communities, and our churches need prayer as much as it ever did. We seek to help start, spread, and sustain a church-wide prayer movement by ministering the Word in ways that inspire and ignite every congregation to become a house of prayer for all peoples.

Prayer and Vision Go Together!

Does your heart burn for what you want your church to become? Do you dream of a vibrant congregation sold out for Jesus, with a passion to see people come to Christ and be discipled? Do you long for your church to impact your community? START HERE!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Prayer for Church Leaders

For ministers and lay leaders. pastors, elders, deacons—That they will be men and women of prayer.  
May they be imitators of God. Fill them with the Spirit of wisdom & understanding. Give them a deep desire to meditate & study scripture. Make them doers of the Word, not just hearers. Lead them to accurately use the Word of God. 
Give them hearts for correcting wrong doctrine & restoring sinners. May they demonstrate integrity, seriousness & soundness of speech. Create strong moral character in them. Keep them from sinful entanglements. 
Make them active in sharing their faith. May they be courageous in the face of oppression and persecution and contend for the faith. 
May they nurture a new generation of leaders to shepherd the congregations. May they be obedient to executing God’s vision and plans, and for discernment in identifying spiritual gifts in younger leaders.  
Give them servant hearts, with a deep love for the congregation and compassion for the lost.  
Pray that they will serve with courage, humility and accountability to His calling, and be consumed to honour His name.

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