

As a way of facilitating more effective prayer for our long term vision casting and implementation, this prayer blog is for you. Clearly, our country, our cities, our towns, our communities, and our churches need prayer as much as it ever did. We seek to help start, spread, and sustain a church-wide prayer movement by ministering the Word in ways that inspire and ignite every congregation to become a house of prayer for all peoples.

Prayer and Vision Go Together!

Does your heart burn for what you want your church to become? Do you dream of a vibrant congregation sold out for Jesus, with a passion to see people come to Christ and be discipled? Do you long for your church to impact your community? START HERE!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

How to get the gospel out of the church and into the community?

Jesus said in Matthew 16:18, “. . . on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.”  It is God Himself who builds the Church, for it is His church.  We are but His hands and feet, ready to do His bidding.
We envision a “Church without Walls”, where every member of the congregation is a gift to the community, and involved directly in the transformation of communities, ready to establish God’s kingdom and His values on the earth. 
At the heart of this vision, is the need to change mindsets, and to recognize our Christian responsibility to heal and undergird the community and the nation.  
Pray that congregations will move away from the security of being exclusive and internally focused, behaving very much like gated communities, to being Christ-centred,  taking risks and seeking  creative ways to reach out to the needs of the community around us.

1 comment:

  1. John Stott puts it this way: "Jesus calls his disciples to exert a double influence on the society - a negative influence by arresting its decay and a positive influence by bringing light into its darkness. For it is one thing to stop the spread of evil; it is another to promote the spread of truth, beauty and goodness." — John R. W. Stott, The Message of the Sermon on The Mount.

