

As a way of facilitating more effective prayer for our long term vision casting and implementation, this prayer blog is for you. Clearly, our country, our cities, our towns, our communities, and our churches need prayer as much as it ever did. We seek to help start, spread, and sustain a church-wide prayer movement by ministering the Word in ways that inspire and ignite every congregation to become a house of prayer for all peoples.

Prayer and Vision Go Together!

Does your heart burn for what you want your church to become? Do you dream of a vibrant congregation sold out for Jesus, with a passion to see people come to Christ and be discipled? Do you long for your church to impact your community? START HERE!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Why 24-7 Prayer?

· The church was born in a 24-7 prayer room in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost, and it was said of them 'they all joined together constantly in prayer.' (Acts 1:14)
· Early Christianity was incubated by the monastic prayer centres of the Desert Fathers, the Celtic communities of Northern Europe, and eventually the Benedictine and other orders.
· In the 18th century a Moravian community, under the leadership of Count Zinzendorf, prayed night-and-day for more than 100 years, thereby launching the great missionary thrust of the Reformation.
· In the 20th century a multi-racial 24-7 prayer room in Los Angeles sparked a movement bringing spiritual renewal to nearly 500 million people today.
Source: www.24-7prayer.com

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

June 2010 Prayer Guide

Use this prayer guide (in GIF format) to catalyze your prayer meetings, cell groups, home fellowships and worship services.  Get ready for an adventure of faith! Prayer meetings don’t have to be dull!  Explore creative ways in mobilizing people to participate in prayer—including setting up 24-7 Boiler Rooms or prayer vigils with people dropping in to pray or small groups coming together night or day.  Imagine, as you slept, someone in the Presbyterian church was praying for you and your church!  Every minute and every hour, someone is upholding the Presbyterian church in prayer!  Focus on young people —Have praise parties, and just enjoy worshipping God.  Make your churches accessible and comfortable for prayer! Share answers to prayer to encourage those praying.  Your prayers will give rise to numerous new initiatives and ministries as expressions of the church’s vision.  For more resources go to 24-7Prayer.  If you need a pdf for circulation contact Gereja Presbyterian Malaysia.

Global Day of Prayer 2010 - Pentecost Sunday 23 May 2010

More than 10,000 crammed into Stadium Melawati, Shah Alam!

Prayer for the Nation

Lord Jesus, we ask you to heal this nation of its wounds from the past and grant wisdom and a desire for integrity and truth on those who lead this country and shape the future of this nation. Please expose corruption and injustice and prosper all who do right. May Your children hear Your call to serve You boldly in the halls of power and government.  Amen.

Prayer for Schools and Teachers

Pray for schools in your community. Find out what needs there are at the school.
Build up a relationship with the principal, teachers,  board governors and members.  Find out who are the Christian  teachers/ancillary staff. 

Pray for local kindergarten/school/boarding school.  Pray that the Christian teachers to take a lead in building up a school CF (within or outside the school) or in leading Bible Knowledge for Form 5 — the aim is ‘for every school to be a prayed for’.  Pray that teachers will seek to be effective salt and light through their witness, words and work. Pray for the Christian pupils that their faith may be firmly established.

Dear Lord, please guide those concerned with children’s educational welfare: parents, care-givers, teachers, board of governors, principals, state education authorities. Grant them insight, patience and encouragement as they relate to those in their care.

Prayer for the Justice System

Pray for those working in the justice system: judges, magistrates, barristers, solicitors, civil servants, court officials, probation and prison officers as well as the police. Pray for the local police force.  Ask God to help them serve with integrity and impartiality, especially in difficult circumstances.
Find out about crime in your community.  Take a proactive approach by taking this up with the OCPD, ADUN or MP.  Find out about the needs of the nearest prison near your community.  Lead a Rukun Tetangga in your area.
Raise a prayer team in your congregation to pray 24-7 that God will reduce crime, and bring criminals to justice and repentance.

Sovereign Lord, we ask you to bestow wisdom and a desire for integrity on those who maintain order on our streets, practice law in the courts and shape government legislation. Please expose corruption and injustice and prosper all who do right. Amen.

Prayer for Church Leaders

For ministers and lay leaders. pastors, elders, deacons—That they will be men and women of prayer.  
May they be imitators of God. Fill them with the Spirit of wisdom & understanding. Give them a deep desire to meditate & study scripture. Make them doers of the Word, not just hearers. Lead them to accurately use the Word of God. 
Give them hearts for correcting wrong doctrine & restoring sinners. May they demonstrate integrity, seriousness & soundness of speech. Create strong moral character in them. Keep them from sinful entanglements. 
Make them active in sharing their faith. May they be courageous in the face of oppression and persecution and contend for the faith. 
May they nurture a new generation of leaders to shepherd the congregations. May they be obedient to executing God’s vision and plans, and for discernment in identifying spiritual gifts in younger leaders.  
Give them servant hearts, with a deep love for the congregation and compassion for the lost.  
Pray that they will serve with courage, humility and accountability to His calling, and be consumed to honour His name.

Our Commitment to the Nations

We are committed to the spiritual welfare of the whole Malaysian nation and to share in God’s mission across the region and the world.
Along with other members of Christ’s body, we seek to represent and establish God’s kingdom among the Malaysian people.
Together, we acknowledge our distinctive call and duty to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every person in every part of Malaysia and the rest of the world.

Vision Quote of the Day

"Vision is usually given to those who pray until they get it. If prayer is not the octane that fuels your vision, your vision will stall out and your church will be motionless.”
- Southerland, Transitioning: Leading Your Church Through Change, 36

Our Vision - Every Congregation a House of Prayer for the Nations

Our vision is for every congregation to become a house of prayer for all nations.  We seek to inspire, equip and ignite every member in  life changing experiences of prayer.
As a first task in the vision casting of the long term plan, we want to build the church on the foundation of Prayer and Worship fully focused on our first love, our Lord Jesus Christ.
We seek to grow a community of authentic and devoted Christians across all congregations who are passionate about prayer and willing to be deployed into the spiritual frontlines of the church.
This prayer blog will also include prayer for issues within the ministries of the church, and to also focus on international and social issues. 
There will be PrayerConnect training/equipping events, prayer networks, 24-7 Prayer Boiler Rooms as well as a password protected online community and much much more coming your way!  

How to get the gospel out of the church and into the community?

Jesus said in Matthew 16:18, “. . . on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.”  It is God Himself who builds the Church, for it is His church.  We are but His hands and feet, ready to do His bidding.
We envision a “Church without Walls”, where every member of the congregation is a gift to the community, and involved directly in the transformation of communities, ready to establish God’s kingdom and His values on the earth. 
At the heart of this vision, is the need to change mindsets, and to recognize our Christian responsibility to heal and undergird the community and the nation.  
Pray that congregations will move away from the security of being exclusive and internally focused, behaving very much like gated communities, to being Christ-centred,  taking risks and seeking  creative ways to reach out to the needs of the community around us.